Snow Removal

Town vehicles or town-contracted snowplows will not clear private driveways or other private property. Removal of snow placed in a driveway or on sidewalks where the driveway or sidewalk meets the town Right of Way is the responsibility of the property owner. Residents or private contractors are prohibited from blowing or pushing into or across the roadway or leaving windrows of snow in the road as a result of cleaning their sidewalk or driveway.  

The clearing of snow from a vehicle in a roadway is prohibited.

Until the snow is pushed back to the curb after a storm, driveways will experience several windows across their front. The removal of this snow is the responsibility of the property owner. This snow may not be placed back into the traveled way. Placing vehicles or other obstacles across the front of driveways, preventing the Town from accomplishing the snow clearing to the full width of the road is prohibited.