Adopt FY 2024 Budget REVISED - $39,593,454


Adopt FY 2024  Budget REVISED - $39,593,454 PASSED


Please visit the Boxford Finance Committee website for information on the FY24 budget process.

For information on the Boxford elementary school budgets, please visit the Tri-Town School Union website.

Fo information on the Masconomet Regional School District Budget, please use this link.

ARTICLE 4. To act on the proposed budget and see what sums of money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, for the use of several departments for Fiscal Year 2024, to wit:  General Government, Financial Administration, Public Safety, Education, Public Works, Health & Human Services, Culture & Recreation, Employee Benefits, Debt Service, and all other necessary proper expenses during said fiscal year; and authorize expenditure of these funds under the direction of the appropriate listed department; or take any other action thereon.

Sponsored and Supported by the Finance Committee

Estimate: $39,343,454

Select Board recommends adoption of this article