Article 8


Fund Consulting Services for Emergency Response Advisory Committee - $50,000 APPROVED


Visit the Emergency Response Advisory Committee web page for information on ERAC's efforts to date:

Article 8.  To see if the Town will vote to transfer and appropriate from Free Cash the sum of $50,000 to be expended by the Town Administrator, with the advice of the Select Board, to engage the consulting services of professional advisors to assist the Emergency Response Advisory Committee’s charge to complete a comprehensive analysis of the Town’s three-tiered emergency response program, and to identify strategies to improve service through efficiencies and reduced emergency response times, or take any other action thereon.  

                             Sponsored and supported by the Select Board

                              Finance Committee recommends adoption of this article

                              Emergency Response Advisory Committee recommends adoption of this article

COMMENT:  Article 8 would appropriate Free Cash for the Emergency Response Advisory Committee (ERAC) to aid it in its charge with performing a comprehensive analysis of the town’s 3-tiered emergency response system and identifying strategies to improve service through efficiencies and reduced emergency response times.  Information about ERAC can be found on the project website,

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