Article 23


Citizen Initiative Petition: 5-Year Moratorium on artificial turf field construction FAILED 115 - 226


ARTICLE 23.  Will the Town of Boxford vote to enact a moratorium on the construction or installation of artificial turf on any land, of any size, including Masconomet Regional School District, owned by the town, for five years starting on May 15, 2024, and ending on May 14, 2029, or take any action hereto.


COMMENT:  The general guidelines for citizen petitions appears in Massachusetts General Laws, Ch. 39, § 10.   A petition article is an article brought to Town Meeting for discussion and possible action by a group of voters (rather than by a Board or Committee of the Town). Any group of voters, with the minimum requisite number of 10 signatures, may bring a petition article on any topic to an open town meeting, the town’s legislative body. An article becomes part of the Warrant and the Warrant serves as the agenda for Town Meeting in that it “warns” voters what is to be discussed and what is being sought at the Town Meeting. For any matter to be discussed at the Town Meeting, it must come within the scope of the article being debated.  No action shall be valid unless the subject matter thereof is contained in the warrant.