Article 22


By-Law: New Town Administrator bylaw APPROVED


ARTICLE 22.  To see if the Town will vote to amend the Town’s Bylaws, Part 1: Administrative Legislation, Chapter 19, Officers and Employees, by adding the new Article XII, Town Administrator, as set forth below, or take any other action thereon:


Chapter 19

Article XII


§19-26. Duties.

    The Town Administrator shall be appointed by and serve under the direction of the Select Board and shall have the following duties:

  1. Chief Administrative Officer. The Town Administrator shall serve as the Town's Chief Administrative Officer, shall act as the agent for the Select Board, and shall be responsible to the Select Board for the proper operation of Town affairs for which said Town Administrator is given responsibility under this bylaw. The Town Administrator shall supervise, direct and be responsible for the efficient administration of all departments and employees under the jurisdiction of the Select Board and all functions for which the Administrator is given responsibility, authority or control by the Town of Boxford bylaws, Town Meeting vote, or by vote of the Select Board.  He/she shall coordinate with all committees, commissions and officials not under the jurisdiction of the Select Board.
  2. Chief Personnel Officer.  The Town Administrator shall exercise overall responsibility for human resources for the Town including, but not limited to: supervision and evaluation of Town employees appointed by and under the jurisdiction of the Select Board. The Town Administrator shall administer the Town's Personnel Bylaw, including maintenance of centralized personnel records, preparation of annual evaluation of Town employees and recommendation of compensation. The Town Administrator shall direct the Town's contract negotiations and collective bargaining.  He or she may inquire at any time into the conduct of any officer, employee, special employee, independent contractor, department, board commission or agency with regard to any matters affecting Town administration and have open and free access to all documents, and records from any source, electronic or otherwise, that are relevant to said inquiry.
  3. Chief Financial Officer.  The Town Administrator shall serve as Chief Financial Officer.  The Town Administrator is responsible to prepare, propose and submit to the Select Board and Finance Committee the fiscal documents pertaining to the annual operating budget and proposed capital outlay program for all municipal departments.  The Town Administrator is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of the Town’s Capital Improvement Program, preparing recommendations for annual capital request and an annual 5-year capital plan for purchase and maintenance of capital assets.  The Town Administrator oversees the Town’s Financial Team and may, pursuant to authority delegated by the Select Board, appoint a Director of Municipal Finance to oversee daily budgetary functions.
  4. Chief Procurement Officer. The Town Administrator shall act as Chief Procurement Officer in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 30B of the Massachusetts General Laws, and may appoint such assistant procurement officers as provided in Chapter 30B of the Massachusetts General Laws.  Contracts shall be subject to execution by the Select Board unless otherwise provided by law.
  5. Under policy direction of the Select Board, coordinates with Town Counsel on legal matters affecting the Town. 
  6. Responsible for the management of all properties under the authority of the Select Board.
  7. Responsible for media and public relations; establish and maintain positive community relations with local organizations, groups and residents; act as Town liaison with local, regional, state and federal agencies.
  8. Responsible for the coordination of Town-wide information technology and systems.
  9. Shall have access to all municipal books, papers and documents or information necessary for the proper performance of the duties of the administrator. The Town Administrator may, without notice, cause the affairs of any division or department under the Town Administrator’s supervision, or the conduct of any officer or employee thereof, to be examined.
  10. Appointments.  the Town Administrator shall provide guidance and recommendations to the Select Board regarding appointment of Town employees appointed by and under the jurisdiction of the Select Board; provided, however, that the Select Board shall, in its sole discretion, appoint, hire, remove and discipline, subject any applicable collective bargaining agreements, officers and employees under the jurisdiction of the Select Board.
  11. Recommend to the Select Board, who are granted the authority to make such changes upon majority vote, the reorganization, consolidation or abolishment of Town departments or agencies, recommend new departments or agencies, and recommend a reassignment of powers, duties and responsibilities among such departments or agencies so established or existing;
  12. Perform any other duties as are required to be performed by the Town Administrator by by-laws, administrative code, votes of Town Meeting, or votes of the Select Board, or otherwise.

Sponsored and supported by the Select Board

COMMENT:  Massachusetts General Law Chapter 41 Section 23A enables the Select Board to appoint a Town Administrator, who “shall act by and for the selectmen in any matter which they may assign to him relating to the administration of the affairs of the town or of any town office or department under their supervision and control, or, with the approval of the selectmen, may perform such other duties as may be requested of him by any other town officer, board, committee or commission”. The Financial Management Resource Bureau (FMRB) of the Massachusetts Department of Local Services (DLS) recommends municipalities to further codify the authority, role and responsibility of the Town Administrator in their local bylaws or charter. According to FMRB, “administrators are equipped to develop and oversee budgets, analyze financial data, and make informed decisions regarding town revenues and expenditures. Defining the town administrator’s financial role and authorities creates a structured approach to financial processes and decision-making. This ensures consistency in overall fiscal management and promotes transparency and accountability in the use of taxpayer funds.”  Article 22 would establish a Bylaw to provide a clear legal foundation for the Boxford Town Administrator position and to ensure proper implementation and enforcement of the position’s role and responsibilities.