What are the Sizes of Residential Lots in Boxford?

The following are some of the key requirements. For the official and complete list of requirements, see Town Code Ch. 196.

  • Two acres with 250' frontage (or 6 acres with 50' frontage i.e., "porkchop lot")
  • Frontage must provide adequate access to the building site even if not so used
  • A minimum of 200' width measured along a line offset 50' from the frontage (except for "porkchop" lot)
  • The footprint of all buildings shall not exceed 25% of the lot area
  • 200' diameter circle within which the dwelling must be located
  • A lot width of no less than 100' at any point in the buildable portion of the lot
  • One acre of contiguous buildable area sufficiently dry to not including areas within 75' of wetland resource area
  • Is not an "irregularly shaped lot" (area of lot is less than 50% of the area of a square lot of the same perimeter) (see Town Code Ch. 196-24(K)).